The Teen Hypothesis

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Pumped Up Problems: Understanding Steroid Addictions


Steroids have been a cause of concern for many years because of the way the usage has been represented or misrepresented in the world of bodybuilding and athletics. However, more concerning now is that more and more teenagers are using steroids to enhance their physique and physical characteristics. In this article, we will explore the issues of steroid use amongst teenagers, the affinity towards these substances, the possible benefits and the consequences when misused. 


What are steroids?

Anabolic steroids are basically synthetic versions of testosterone, which is the main sex hormone in men. Testosterone helps develop characteristics like facial hair and helps to sustain muscle growth. Doctors use these substances to treat issues such as delayed puberty and to help reverse conditions that reduce the muscle tissue. In certain places, it is illegal to use anabolic steroids without having the right prescription for them, however, we continue to see unauthorised usage despite this.


Why teens use steroids?

There could be many reasons why teens use steroids. Any athletic student will tell you that it is hard to manage both sports and studies. There may be less time to train, so the students’ performance is affected. This may lead to them having to take steroids just to perform well in their sport. Additionally, the media often portrays the ‘ideal body type’ which can pressure young adults to use steroids to meet those ideals. 


Addiction to steroids

There have been spectrums of obsessive-compulsive behaviour observed when someone uses steroids for too long. It begins when these substances improve their appearance and make them stronger in a very short time. Signs and symptoms of steroid addiction include unexplained rapid muscle growth, sudden weight gain, and development of severe acne which could increase feelings on insecurity and awkwardness. Mentally, it leads to increased aggression, mood swings, irritability, and restlessness. Add in the complexity of psychological dependence, a persistent and yet unsuccessful desire to cut down or control steroid use, plus a continued preoccupation with obtaining and using steroids, and what we have is an emotional pot boiler for teens. Additionally, teens struggle further with the withdrawal symptoms which include fatigue, depression, decreased appetite, insomnia, and reduced libido usually leading to a relapse into addiction. 


Beneficial effects of steroids

Doctors usually use anabolic steroids to treat delayed puberty, and to treat low testosterone (also known as male hypogonadism). It also helps stimulate muscle growth for people with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or certain cancers.


Prevention and education

Integrated strategies are needed to prevent teen steroid usage, such as educating people on the risks, promoting a healthy body image and encouraging natural athletic performance. To help these efforts, parents, schools, and sports organizations must keep an eye out for symptoms of steroid use and promote conversations about the risks associated with the usage.